Damaged trees - black & white

Simple Ways to Prevent Wildfires

We can all do our part to prevent these devastating fires. Here are a few easy things we can do: 

Carefully Dispose of Cigarettes: Never throw cigarette butts or matches on the ground. Make sure they're completely out before you throw them away so they don’t catch onto surrounding materials.  

Clear Around Your Home: Keep the area around your house free of dry leaves, branches, and other flammable materials to protect your home.  

Know the Rules: Pay attention to local fire restrictions, especially during dry periods of the year. They’re there for a reason and it’s to keep you and everyone else safe!

Holding miniature globe

Living Greener: It's Easier Than You Think

Beyond preventing fires, we also need to be mindful of our impact on the wider environment. Here's how: 

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Let's all try to create less waste by reusing what we already have at home and being mindful of what we are buying before we do so. Reconsider if you need that bottle of water or if you can bring a refillable one with you!  

Conserve Water: Water can be precious, especially during dry periods. Let's all do our best to save water at home and in our gardens. Taking a quick shower preserves more water than filling a bath, so keep this in mind!  

Choose Eco-Friendly Products: Swap out plastic bags for reusable ones, ditch the single-use water bottles, and look for cleaning products that are good for the planet!

Holding miniature globe
Box with printed logo

Our Commitment to Sustainability

At Packaging World, we're all about being eco-friendly. That's why we're excited to introduce our new FSC® certified paper bags joining our family of other FSC certified products! FSC certification means our paper comes from responsibly managed forests, which is great news for the environment! We’re pushing for all our paper to be FSC certified in the future, so keep an eye out!

100% recyclable label

Why Certified Sustainable Packaging Matters

Don't get fooled by packaging that claims to be "eco-friendly”. Anyone can claim they’re using sustainable materials, but do some research and check for certifications like FSC to make sure the materials are truly what they say!

100% recyclable label
Eco-friendly gift bags in black

Let's Work Together

Wildfires are a serious threat, but we can all work together to prevent them and protect our planet. By taking small steps, living greener, and choosing sustainable products like our FSC certified paper bags, we can make a real difference to our world!